This last Sunday was Robert's birthday. My little boy is 3 years old. However we celebrated his birthday on the 13th so that his great-grandmama as she likes to be called could come up and celebrate with us. (It also made it so we could focus a little more on dad for Father's Day) He had a great birthday we went and looked at the house that we are going to buy. He spent the morning going to the park and shopping with great grandmama. Then we opened presents and had pizza and cake. He got spoiled. What are birthdays for though right?
Now the conversation. Robert and I were cleaning up and he found a poster I have and he wanted to see it. I unrolled it and showed it to him. This is how the conversation went...
Me: Do you like the picture?
Robert: Yeah.
Me: Do you know what this place is?
Robert: Yeah
ME: Is it the temple?
Robert: No, it is the marrying place.
Me: It is a marrying place. Who got married there?
Robert: Patrick and Judy
Me: Who else?
Robert: Ummmm
Me: Did Aunt Amy get married there?
Robert: Yeah
Me: Do you want to go there
Robert: Yeah (As he smiles really big)
I then went on and explained that it is also Heavenly Father's house and so we need to take care of it and look nice when we go there. We also talked about how we need to be good so that we can go inside. So I want to thank you his aunts uncles and grandparents for the examples you are to him. In and out of the church because you all show him by your actions that the temple is a special place and that church is important. Because of what he sees you all do he wants to go on a mission like uncle Chris and get married in the temple like Uncle Patrick.
Then this Sunday we had a lesson on Temples in our Relief Society class at church. The question was asked what blessing's do you recieve from going to the temple. Nobody was saying anything so I rose my hand and told a story about my youngest adopted brother and how the docters said he probably would never speak ( I should mention he is a shaken baby). We prayed and fasted that he would talk and at the open house for the Nauvoo temple we were in the sealing room and he started to talk. So for our family it is a place of miracles.
I could go on forever about my love of the temple. I have seen some amazing things come from going there. I wont do that though.
We are excited to be able to see all of our family next week and spend time with them for the Fourth of July holiday. See you soon!!