Monday, June 2, 2008

Our Weekend

This last weekend our ward had it's father son outing and due to the weather lately they had to change camp sites because the one they usually go to was under water. Even still Robert came home covered in mud because it rained on them. The girls though had a get together that night and did makeovers. It was so much fun. I needed it.
On Sunday the bishop was talking about the outing and mentioned that when people got to the site there were fire trucks and a police car. Lightning had struck the water pump and started a small fire. He also said that pictures were taken of each father and son under the amazing rainbow they saw. If I ever get a copy of the picture of Bryce and Robert I'll get it up here.
In other news, I talked to my mom on Friday night and found out that she is doing much better. Her doctor took her off of eleven yes you read it right eleven medications leaving her on four. He also did another test on her liver and said that it is functioning much better than it was when she was in the hospital and if they can keep it up she wont need a transplant. She also told me that the ward back home is going to take care of centerpieces for my sisters wedding so now I don't have to do them. That makes it so now I only have flowers for the parents and Chris left to do. I am so excited. It will give me more time to work on going through all the stuff in my house and get rid of it. I started to freak out last night because we are moving in nine weeks. I am so not ready for this.
As soon as I get the pictures off of my camera I can show you what the girls did to me at our party. I loved it.

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